Fiction, Mystery, Magical Realism
Co-Authored with my husband, Jason Storm

Kingwood is a trailer park full of strange, mysterious happenings and an old guru with a secret. Set in the Pacific Northwest at the edge of the fictional Kingwood State Park, KINGWOOD tells the story of Cody Ray Johnson, a twenty-seven-year-old vet who fought in Afghanistan and whose younger brother has just gone missing. This crisis, coupled with the unexpected appearance of Cody Ray’s absent grandfather, springboards the action in this investigative mystery novel with magical and spiritual elements which promises to be the first in a longer series about Kingwood.

Word Count: 140,000

Genre: Fiction


Intimate Traps

Erotic Novella

“Intimate Traps” tells the story of Sky, the novella’s nonbinary protagonist, and Annie, Sky’s partner of almost two years, as the two of them make the joint decision to open up their relationship in order to “spice things up,” “keep things interesting,” and—importantly to Sky—”prevent Annie from getting bored.” Their story unwinds in a series of changing configurations as both pursue intimacy and ultimately “trap” or are “trapped” by new partners with whom both Sky and Annie might share, in some form, their lives.